Autumn what Autumn …. Amazing October Sunshine

As we transition into autumn, we expect cooler temperatures, falling leaves, and cosy sweaters. However, this year, Mother Nature seems to have other plans. Instead of the typical crisp air and golden hues, we are being treated to an unexpectedly warm autumn with temperatures reminiscent of summer. While [...]

2023-10-11T17:38:03+02:00October 11th, 2023|Garden, Gardening, Home & Garden, Seasons, Weather|2 Comments

Spring Equinox 2019 and a super moon… who knew!

This year's spring equinox gave us a cracking sun rise in the morning, followed by a full moon (super worm moon, what ever one of those is!) Getting a bit bored with super moons this year.... we already had a wolf moon in January, which was not only a super moon, but also boasted a [...]

2019-03-21T17:38:10+01:00March 21st, 2019|Spring, Weather|0 Comments
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