Map And Ellen Visit on road trip around Europe
Map and Ellen pop in to see us on their summer road trip around Europe. We had a great meal at the Le Bistrot du Quai in Charolles Map even helped me put the temporary roof on the pig pen extension
Map and Ellen pop in to see us on their summer road trip around Europe. We had a great meal at the Le Bistrot du Quai in Charolles Map even helped me put the temporary roof on the pig pen extension
Just can't believe how dry it's been this year... and now google have updated their satellite imagery of the area and it shows how dry this year has been
The Original post about the old wheelbarrow
One of our hens has done a reverse Maloney!!!
Warning... before elf and safety get on my case, no children, animals or camera men were hurt during the making of this video and we don't condone or encourage in anyway the throwing of small children from high places!!! (unless you're a bit down and need a laugh) [...]
With the completion of the second floor now done (Second floor added), it was time to add the main window to the gable end. This window will not only give us access to the roof top terrace (not done yet) but will also allow for a great view over our main field. [...]
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into [...]
What's that strange sound....? On a nice hot sunny June day when we suddenly heard a strange sound coming up the lane... at first I though it was a tractor, but as it grow louder it must be a articulated lorry. Then we heard "ping"... ping, ping and we realised what [...]